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Camp FAQs

Who is Paradise Fellowship Ministries?

Paradise Fellowship Ministries (PFM) is a non-denominational Christian organization dedicated to providing a Christ centered camp experience for kids and teens. We have been hosting camps for youth for over 50 years and continue to serve our community with passion and purpose to help lead youth to a real relationship with Jesus.  Our goal is to provide a supplemental tool for the local church to use to enhance their children’s and youth ministries. 

What does a typical day look like at camp?

We host three camps per year, and at each camp the details of the daily schedule will vary slightly. Overall, each day campers can look forward to two chapel services (morning and evening), various sports and game options, team activities, snack bars, as well as nightly activities. Depending on the season additional activities can be hayrides, escape rooms, night games, night swimming, daily airsoft, or our well-loved bingo night at winter camp!

Why do we do what we do?

Our leadership team and staff are passionate about sowing into the lives of youth and believe that kids and teenagers deserve to feel valued, important, and heard. Furthermore, we believe that God values and places importance on youth. We strive to make our camps a place where teens and kids can come to have fun in a safe environment, encounter Jesus in a real way, and make lasting and meaningful friendships.

How many camps are available per year?

Paradise Fellowship Ministries currently hosts three camps per year. During the summer months we have Junior Camp for ages 8-11 (sometimes 7-year-olds attend as an exception with special permission), as well as Teen Camp for ages 12-18. Our Winter Camp takes place every year over President's Day weekend in February and is also for teens ages 12-18.

Who is the staff comprised of at camp?

Paradise Fellowship Ministries is a volunteer-based organization. There is a small volunteer leadership team that is responsible for planning and managing the camps each year and have faithfully served at the camps for many years. Additionally, there are many volunteers at each camp that are responsible for cooking, cleaning, facilitating activities and putting on chapels. There is also great need for dorm leaders to stay with the youth in the dorms and cabins for the duration of camp, attend activities and mealtimes, as well as minister to the kids and lead by example what it looks like to pursue a relationship with Jesus. For this reason, we encourage and prefer that churches send their own dorm leaders to accompany their youth to camp. It is preferable that youth build these relationships with people in their own congregation where the connection can continue beyond camp. All camp volunteers and staff must be approved to serve by the leadership of the church they are affiliated with, are subject to background checks and must be approved to service PFM leadership. All staff and volunteers are LiveScan background checked and receive state mandated training for mandated reporting. 

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